(816) 442-8160
There are so many things our landscape division can help you with. We can help you with:
- Landscape retaining walls
- Full landscape removal
- Landscape Design
- Landscape lighting
- Decorative landscape rock or mulch
- Plant/Shrub Design
- Large tree install
- Patios
- Poor drainage repair
These are just a few of the basic services our landscape division offers. If you have something in mind to do or just want someone to design that perfect look for you, our crews are the ones to get it done.
Our landscape division will take pictures of your existing landscape or areas in which you want new landscape. Then with an enhanced computer program, they will transform those pictures into life-like design of the new proposed landscape. They will give you a detailed cost analysis along with warranties on the materials and work.
Your design or our design, whatever the size of job, our crews will give you the finest quality of service and detailed work to give you the look your neighbors will wish they had; all this with 100% satisfaction guarantee.